Trinity Mt Healthy
A brief about Periodontitis – Causes, symptoms & treatments

A brief about Periodontitis – Causes, symptoms & treatments

Periodontitis is widespread gum disease. The problem worsens when there is unexpected bacterial growth in the mouth. The problem is not severe in the beginning, but, if not treated at the right time, it can worsen and may lead to the spoiling of the tissue that is the part of the teeth.

There is a common myth that revolves around this problem. The patients usually get confused between periodontitis and gingivitis. Gingivitis is a disease wherein there is inflammation of the gum. In some instances, one would see that gingivitis leads to periodontitis. However, this does not happen in all the cases. If gingivitis is not treated on time, it will lead to periodontitis.

Symptoms and Causes

One of the most important and early signs of periodontitis is receding gums, and slowly one notices the formation of little pockets between the gums and the teeth. If the problem progresses, and the infection spreads beyond the gum line, it leads to loss of tooth and will also destroy all the bones, tissues and ligaments that are surrounding the mouth.

Some of the significant symptoms of periodontitis are:

  1. The patient undergoes a lot of pain while chewing the food.
  2. The alignment of the teeth starts to change.
  3. Gums start receding.
  4. Soon one begins to notice the formation of pockets between the teeth and the gums.
  5. Bad breath.
  6. Formation of sores inside your mouth.
  7. Teeth become sensitive which may lead to the loss of teeth.


The treatment of Periodontitis is divided into two forms. One is the surgical way, and the other is the non-surgical way.

Surgical way:

  1. Surgery: In this case, the doctor tries to reduce the pockets that have been formed. The doctor will make precise incisions in the gum so that the gum tissue can be lifted back.
  2. Grafting of the tissue: As the gumline has receded. To take care of that, a small amount of tissue will be removed from the palate of your mouth and will be kept at the affected side.
  3. Grafting of the bone: As soon as the bone that surrounds the root of your tooth has been destroyed, the doctor will start the procedure of bone grafting, wherein the loss of a tooth is prevented by holding the tooth in that position for long.
  4. Regeneration of the tissue: In this process, the bone which was destroyed because the bacteria starts growing again. In this case, the doctor takes one fabric which is biocompatible and places it between the bone and the tooth. It is because of this that the growth of unwanted tissue stops and bone starts growing back.

Non-surgical way:

  1. Scaling: This method helps in removing the bacteria from your mouth. It can be done easily with the help of either laser or any device.
  2. Root planning: This method helps in smoothening the surface of the root, as a result of which the growth of bacteria is stopped and the surface starts to heal in a much faster way.
  3. Use of antibiotics: Antibiotics like gels, mouth rinsing liquid, help in eliminating the bacteria.

It can be treated but to get better advice; you need to consult the Norwegian specialist, Tannlege Bjelland i Bergen immediately.…

Tips to find the right cosmetic dentist for you

Tips to find the right cosmetic dentist for you

A cosmetic dentist is the one that treats the color, size, position, shape, and alignment of teeth. These problems may occur for a variety of reasons from eating habits to accidents which change the alignment of teeth. Healthy teeth play a prominent role for a bright smile. People get attracted to smile.

Upon digging further, it is found that people also notice your teeth and gums consciously or sub-consciously. So, it is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth for a pleasant looking smile. Problems are common, and they appear due to our habits as said above. Choosing a right cosmetic dentist is essential for your beautiful smile. Failing to do so, you have to lose more money for fixing the new problems that have arrived due to poor selection of the dentist.

Here are the tips to find the right cosmetic dentist for you in Ålesund, Norway.

Search the Internet (google it):

Information is available on the internet. You can start by searching simple search words like best cosmetic dentists in the city where you can enter the location of yours. Do not finalize upon visiting the first link in the search results.

Check multiple sites that give you information about dentists and hospitals. Among the list, Filter them out and check for reviews for each one of them.

Pricing and Location factors:

Do not get fooled by the hospitals which promise to do the work at a low price compared to others. Our face is the most sensitive area among all parts of our body. You have to consult a professional and only a professional while dealing with sensitive parts like teeth.

Never compromise on dentists who are closer to you. Go for professionals even though they are highly priced and far away. You want work and professionals will get the job done without any side effects.

Consider the previous works:

In general, the websites will have before and after photos of former patients who have undergone a successful transformation. Upon filtering, along with location and price, consider the before and after photos by visiting their websites.

This step will get you one more step closer to finding the right cosmetic dentist for you.

Ask your friends/ relatives:

This step would have been best at the start itself as it saves time. But the problem is, if your friends suggest a dentist and you also feel convinced, you will consult him without any second thought. It is right that your friends don’t lie to you but getting the information by yourself first is always good.

After doing the above things, now ask your friends and relatives about cosmetic dentists. They will give the information. Compare them to your list. You can further filter out based on the factors.

Trial visits:

Yes, now you have come down to top 3 or 5 hospitals in your list. Now it is the time to make a trial visit to each hospital. Observe the environment, equipments and employees. You can personally rate them after observation.


Try the above tips and the find right cosmetic dentist for you. Smiling is an effective way of communication expressing positive feelings around you. Consult a professional dentist to solve your problems by taking into account the above tips and Tannlege Ålesund can always help you.…

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